Neural Therapy is one of the most advanced and effective of all holistic healing modalities. It is quite similar to acupuncture, and involves using a very tiny needle to inject a mixture of procaine, homeopathies, and ozone into various points on the body. The injections are designed to remove “interference fields”.
Interference fields are traumatized areas of the body that interfere with the body’s innate healing process. We now know that many chronic disorders have one or more interference fields. These fields must be removed before the body can restore itself to health. Failure to remove these fields is the most common reason why a patient does not respond to treatment.
The following conditions usually respond nicely to neural therapy: allergies, headache, vertigo, hay fever, sinusitis, whiplash syndrome, painful scars, liver disorders, colitis, menstrual pain, endometriosis, joint and muscular rheumatism, reflex dystrophy, arthritis, all forms of neuralgia, restless leg syndrome, TMJ syndrome, and facial and jaw pain.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (580) 778-3310.